I've been cleared to drive!
...does anyone else hear the Halleluia chorus?
I can't tell you how wonderful this is for myself and my family--especially my mom, who's been carting me all over the place. (Thanks Mom!!!) The doc told me to be careful, but I'm allowed to go!
Not much more new information at this point. I have follow up MRIs for the next year to make sure my little friend isn't growing back, and I need to be very careful about what sort of physical activity I do. Anything that increases intercrainial pressure is definitely out, but the doctor thought I might be able to start at least going to the gym. I'm still sleeping about 10-11 hrs a day (although this is down from the last update) so my body must be healing fast. I feel completely normal, to tell you the truth. Well, as normal as can be--I still have short term memory loss. That lovely side effect is more of a nuisance than anything else.
I've had a few people who've gone through similar experiences tell me that their tastes have changed--and oddly enough, some of mine have as well. Suddenly, I love dogs. I've always been a cat person, and while I still like cats, now I really, really want a big dog. Who knew?
Thank you all for the support. It's been a crazy ride, but we're nearing the end!!!