Rachel's Recovery from Surgery

This blog is for Rachel's fan club to check on her status as she recovers from brain surgery. Messages of support will help her as she embarks on the long road to recovery. Please leave some love!

Monday, June 05, 2006

A Good Day

This is a day of "no's"
No more bullet hole in the forehead (mark left from clamp that held Rachel's head still during surgery; look at "thumbs up" picture)
No more IV drugs dripping into arm
No more seizures ("knock on wood")
No more nausea ("knock on wood")
No more lack of appetite (although not great--except for Dairy Queen Blizzards)

Rachel is in good spirits, walking slowly down the hall. From Dad: "Regrettably, the trauma to the brain did not affect incessant prattle."

Kris and Tom


At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, great news!!! I will keep praying for Rachel--it takes an amazingly strong woman to fight through recovery like she is, but then Rachel is no ordinary woman, now is she? :-) My thoughts and heart are with you all!
Lindsey R.

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news Rachel and you just keep chit chatting away especially to your father, as you have much to say and he needs to hear alot of it. He is known as a story teller also, and he needs to gather material. We like to hear his stories too so Tom, listen up and store that patter. Sharon

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel - we have been praying for your doc, YOU, and your family. It sounds like everything is going well and you are feeling better. LOTS of folks have been praying for you and I'll now send them your blog so they can keep up with you themselves. We love you, honey, and know you'll be fine. Remember Stan's recovery! Prayer is VERY powerful. Love, Marge & Stan

At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel - the only notable "long-term" effect of my brain surgery was that now I like cats. Before, I was kind of luke warm on cats - it's a little like turnips - I tolerate them, but couldn't say I like them. Now, I like cats...who knew? Anyhow, hang in there on your recovery. I like to say, "I fell into an upholstery machine, but now I am completely recovered". All the best, Stan Barnett

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, I didn't even know you had a tumor until I read Kristina G's blog. From the sound of things though, you're kicking butt as per usual. I'm praying for you and hope that everything comes out well. Like Linz said, you're no ordinary woman! No one with a voice like THAT could be!! :) Take care honey, and I'll keep checking back to see how things are!
Janet Cowan (formerly Toews- eep, yep, I done got hitched)

At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a day of no's makes me say "yes, yes yes"!

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found out about the tumor/surgery from Ms. Kanthak this weekend and you have been on my mind and in my prayers constantly since then! I'm so thrilled that you are recovering at lightning speed. You go girl! I look forward to the updates about your speedy recovery on this nifty blog.
God Bless,
Tracey Gorman

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good God Traughber!
I can't say that I know a lot about brain surgery but it sounds like you're kicking some serious butt in recovery. I hope everything continues to go so well. All us Oles are thinking of you.

Tyler W.

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard through the band director grapevine that one of our finest flautists was dealing with a "situation." You were never one to do anything halfway, Rachel! I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well in such a short time. I know you will attack this unexpected chapter in your life just like you attacked Dreadnought and Pastime back in '01! Don't ever forget - you are one strong woodwind player. My best to you Rachel - Dr. J (Liz)

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Traughber. Hot like a mofo.


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