Rachel's Recovery from Surgery

This blog is for Rachel's fan club to check on her status as she recovers from brain surgery. Messages of support will help her as she embarks on the long road to recovery. Please leave some love!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Stitches out, physical therapy done!

I had my last physical therapy session this week! I've been cleared for limited activity (although apparently I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs for another 2 weeks...something they neglected to tell me as I left the hospital) but am supposed to call for another appointment if I hit a "wall." I'm also not allowed to swim in a pool or do aerobic exercise for at least another 2 weeks--the most I should be doing are two thirty minute walks per day. Irritating, but being that I get tired just shopping in the mall for about 25 minutes, clearly there's a reason for this.

The stitch removal was slightly painful, but I'm THRILLED that they're out because I can finally wash my hair!!!!! Having braids is fine, assuming that you choose to have them, but I've really missed my curls these past few weeks.

Still sleeping alot. It's really bizarre to feel almost completely normal but need about 12-16 hrs of sleep a day.

My last appointment is July 7th!!!


At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel - we are so pleased you are "almost completely recovered". Remember the upholstery machine "joke"? Don't get too upset if there is something you won't be able to do...for example, my roller-coaster riding is permanently over. I'm thinking this also ends my dreams of being a fighter pilot. Oh, wait! I'm 63. The Air Force probably wouldn't let me be a fighter pilot, anyhow. Details. Don't let the little stuff get to you - being almost completely recovered sure beats the alternative. My favorite post-surgery comment was from Shel's middle child, then six. She said, "Gee, Pop-pop, you do pretty good for a man with only half a brain". Coming from her, I took it as a complement and didn't bother to tell her that I actually have 5/6 of a brain. All the best, Stan

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! Rachel you are making such progress. Don't let anyone tell you, or you think yourself, that anything is holding you back, because you have made such incredible progress in such a short amount of time. You only need to look back to see how quickly things have progressed. Thank God for having blessed you...and us with you.

Dee & Paul

At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Rachel,

We have been thinking about you so much and are so thrilled to see how well you are doing. This speedy recovery must be record-breaking! Looking forward to seeing you back in school in the fall. Again, how wonderful it is to hear all of your amazing news.

Love always,
Allison Pohl and Fred Joseph

At 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Rachel....I am so happy about your good news. Thank you for the pictures and updates. Colleen was so great with the blog set up...we wish Colleen every good wish about her internship in Georgia....See you Friday evening June 23 for dinner at your house. Love Sharon

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel you are a wonder! Great to hear how well you are doing. I went to the Science Museum today (Body Works) and thought of you as I gazed at a brain and contemplated the miraculous wonder of knowing that you have looked at your own brain. Thanks so much for the updates and pictures. Hope it's possible to see you soon.
All my best wishes for a continued speedy recovery,


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